Tessa Dare's "A Lady of Persuasion" - #3 in the "Wanton Dairymaid" series

A Lady of Persuasion - Tessa Dare

Gave up on this one because I just didn't care about the 2 main characters. I got as far as the wedding chapter near the middle of the book and I still didn't have much insight into Isabel's character or motivation and decided this was a good place to stop. There didn't seem to be much going on with Isabel besides her worry about her "too-voluptuous" figure and her desire to be a do-gooder. And it seemed like her figure is pretty much all that Toby sees in Isabel. (There is more to Isabel's character, but most of it is pretty boring, to tell the truth.)

I might return to the book to see what happens with Hetty and Joss.