Carolyn Jewel's "Scandal"

Scandal - Carolyn Jewel

Enjoyed this one a lot, and will definitely be re-reading it. Very appealing heroine - she's a writer of romances - and hero, although he has to change a **lot** in the book to become appealing. One drawback for me with this book was the organization. I found the flashbacks to 3 years previous to the story, when the heroine first met the hero while both were still married (to others), interspersed with the story in the "present" (actually 1815), quite confusing, and I had to keep flipping back and forth as I was reading to understand what was going on. I might re-read it in chronological order - first the chapters from 1811-1812 and then the chapters from 1815. The chapters with time changes are marked with dates, fortunately.

********** second reading **********

My second attempt at reading this was a lot less successful than the first. Reading it in chronological order didn't help, and it was quite boring this time around.