Deborah Simmons' "The De Burgh Bride"

The De Burgh Bride - Deborah Simmons

It was kind of interesting, although I got bored and skimmed towards the end when they had to confront the cardboard villain (whose identity was obvious).

However, I could not figure out Elene's appearance - for most of the book her hair is supposedly
a) completely uncombed (as in years and years worth of being uncombed)
b) unwashed for years and years
c) over three feet long (below her waist when finally combed out)
d) apparently hanging over her face like a veil the whole time

All of these details together just don't make sense - especially when it apparently takes Geoffrey the hero just several hours of patient combing to untangle it. In my experience, the only remedy for hair like that would be to shave it off! How could she get food into her mouth without getting most of it in her hair? How could she see anything? Wouldn't her scalp be itching like crazy, not to mention the fleas, lice and other creepy-crawlies inhabiting her hair? How could Geoffrey stand to look at it? I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to accept any of this.