Christina Dodd's "Move Heaven and Earth"

Move Heaven and Earth - James Griffin, Christina Dodd

So bad! The setup (nurse assigned to cure hopelessly crippled war hero) is hackneyed, but I can accept that if the writing is otherwise good, but in this case it isn't. There are so many anachronisms and just plain wrong things in the first couple of chapters that I couldn't continue past them. The final straw for me was when the hero's mother (an English duchess) asks the nurse if she can call her by her first name as soon as she meets her. This would NEVER have happened between an English duchess and an employee even in the 20th century, let alone in 1816! Besides the obvious reason, using their first name to address a high-level employee was highly disrespectful - only very low-level servants were addressed by first name at that time. Butlers, valets, governesses, housekeepers, nurses were always addressed by last name. The use of first names as a sign of respect and informality towards employees only became accepted in the late 20th century, between people who are of similar age and social class, and Christina Dodd is certainly old enough to be aware of that without even doing any research into the subject.